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发布时间:2012-05-04 作者:佚名 编辑: 来源:






Address to Students talented in foreign language learning

Teachers, Students, Ladies and Gentlemen:

I stand here today honored by the time of setting up the community of foreign language learning in the college of energy and civil engineering, grateful for the trust you have bestowed. I thank you for your service to our college. Mr. Jin invited me to speak something, and want pod-cast the saying on the web news. I am happy to join with you today in what will be emphasized and share with you:

Firstly, all of you should be responsible not simply for you, your family and your motherland, but for the world outside the country. I don’t want to predict what you are going to be in next decade years or longer. Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, one aspect you require the most is communication ability, communicate with the other people, with the native and the alien. Although we till now don’t have the tendency of globe citizen sensation, but it is coming so quickly with my formerly experience. Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted - for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things. You should be ready to bear the assignments, for your own competitiveness, moreover our county, our world’s future.

Secondly, foreign language fluency is your potential fortune and asset of your whole life. The foreign language can higher your sights, hear more and sense beyond the border. The west culture established the foundation of modern human society. English is one symbol of the society. From chip to ship, from hell to heaven, from constitution to institution, every one of us is ruled, surrounded, influenced and controlled by the modern civilization. We should learn the knowledge in our whole life. Here I also want to notice you that sometimes the local language translation is not able to reflect the true aspect of the object itself. This means the Chinese word and English word do not correspond to each other exactly at times. So, if you want to understand the true object the west established uniquely, you should comprehend it from its own language, its background, history, relation, morality, philosophy and the society. What you do is to make the foreign language learning become your fortune, your life asset. This may bring you incredible outcome.

Thirdly, foreign language may bring you more perspective, multi-analysis and deep deliberation mindset. English can give you a colorful dream. One evening, you sit down reading Sir William Shakespeare’s comedies, you immersed yourself in the scene of fantasy, cruelty, touching and the love story. Or Sir Issac Newton’s Philosophy of Nature and Principle of Mathematics, listening to the words such as “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”. Or Earnest Hemingway, The old Man and the Sea, you can feel the definite determination and challenging bravery of mankind……. The foreign language open a window to the outside world, you can understand what the differences and distinguishing are. You can also think and act in broad-mind. You can get additional encouragement from this experience. You can think and do with the attitude for the world.

Romewas not built in a day. When the community set up, I wish all of you join in the activities organized by the manager as frequent as possible. Of course the manager is from some of you yourself. Some positive, up-beat and amazing activities you can do I hope. Such as debate, speech contest, famous works reading discussion, special topic seminar etc. No matter what you do I am sure all of you can make it.

Finally I firmly hope that this community will be a world village, a grow-up cradle, a ambition filling station and the most important place that it can bring pleasures to everyone.

I am sure that you can realize your dream!

Thank You!

Zheng Dayu2012-04-18


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my honor to participate the opening ceremony of the Foreign Language Saloon. I would like to express my sincere congratulations on behalf of the School League Committee. I hope that all students could learn more knowledge and enhance their interest in foreign language, so that the saloon will be long-lasting and prosperous.

Campus culture is a combination of the material, spiritual and institutional culture in the university. With its richness and depth, it plays a unique role in education. Campus culture is best expressed through various activities. The School of Energy and civil Engineering has long been outstanding for holding activities of high quality. It is now another great leap and innovation that your college is the first to launch a foreign language saloon among all the engineering colleges. Our engineering students should not only acquire professional skills, but also learn more about liberal arts to be fostered into interdisciplinary talents for society, which is also the ultimate goal of education.

This year is the 60thanniversary of our university. To answer the call of school’s Party Committee, the League Committee has launched the “Gathering in the sunshine” Campus Culture and Art festival. The League Committee secretaries of every college have offered great support. I think the Foreign Language Saloon is an act of innovation. Just now Mr. Jin introduced me that the saloon is not only a stage for students to show talents, but also a great way to help them learn through multiple activities and promote better learning atmosphere.

Finally, I hope everyone can benefit from the Foreign Language Saloon and make more progress. I also hope that the student activities of your college become better and better. Thank you!

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